Bio-energy Healing is a gentle, non-invasive treatment to reset your mind and lighten your mood so you can access new levels of energy and inspiration.

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re exhausted keeping up with work and family commitments.

  • You never seem to have enough time for yourself.

  • You’ve lost sight of who you are and move through the day feeling numb.

  • You’ve been rethinking what really matters but feel stuck where you are.

  • You often feel scattered or anxious about the future.

Through our work together you can:

  • Experience more energy to meet the day and achieve your goals.

  • Make space for creativity and self-care.

  • Feel passionate and authentically expressed in life and work.

  • Slow down and simplify so you can focus on what’s essential to you.

  • Begin to understand what’s keeping you ill so you can heal at a deeper level.

  • Remain calm even in the midst of chaos and learn from your triggers.

What is Bio-energy?

"Bio-energy", often called qi (chi), refers to the life energy that runs through and around your body. It connects all of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects to each other, and to the universe.

How does Bio-energy work?

When energy flows freely, we feel healthy. If stress builds up in the body, it disrupts this flow and can lead to illness, physical and emotional pain, and low energy. By identifying and clearing the blocks in the energy field, the energy flow is restored, allowing your body to heal itself naturally. Bioenergy healing works by balancing and clearing the body's own energy system, the Chakra system, which corresponds to the major organs and glands of the body.

What can I expect during the Bioenergy healing?

During a Bio-energy session, the practitioner uses various hand techniques to work with the energy field around the body, often without actually touching the client. During a treatment, you may experience feelings of heat, cold, tingling, darting pains, and even emotions, as energy blocks are released and the normal flow of energy is restored. This type of treatment is often quite "active" on your part as you remain awake and aware. In person, the session is conducted mostly standing or seated. Distance sessions are done with you lying down in a comfortable position. In all sessions you will remain fully clothed.

What happens after a session?

It's best to plan on not doing much for a few hours after a session, as you may feel tired or emotional. Drink a lot of water, rest, and eat nutritious, light food.

Bio-energy Offerings

  • Bio-energy Healing Session

    A healing session designed to recalibrate your mind and soul to new levels of energy and inspiration.

    This is for you if:

    • You’re new to energy healing and curious about the experience.

    • You want to quiet your mind and and feel uplifted.

    • You’d like to gain insight from the higher awareness inside you.

    • You’re at a place in life where you’re ready for more growth.

    You receive:

    • 1 x Bio-energy healing session

    • Perspective on your body, emotions and energy so you can heal at a deeper level

    • Small action steps to unleash the visionary inside you

    Cost: 75 min first visit / 60 min follow-ups / $150

    What if you need more support after our session? We can transition into the 2-month journey or work together in a way that’s best for you.

In-Person Sessions

White Oaks Massage & Wellness
#403 - 1493 Foster St
White Rock, BC V4B 0C4

Monday, Wednesday, Fridays

(604) 538-7168
Reception available Monday-Thursday

  • After a full course of bio-energy healing with Margaret, I understood my own energy, feelings, reactions and thoughts much better—where it was coming from, how it affected those around me and most importantly understanding myself and letting a lot of “things” go and accept/love myself. The transformation this triggered in my daily life and disposition was amazing. It’s difficult to put into words but I felt like a light was brightened. I am more calm, centred, relaxed and confident in who I am. I am happier. Not chasing and falling short of an ideal or moving target. Just cooled out and confident. My spouse immediately noticed the differences and even better, it helped me relate to and deal with my kids more effectively and their behaviour improved as a result. So the benefits extend way beyond just me.​


  • Before Bio-energy Healing...

    I felt stuck in some areas of life. Particularly in relationships, in parenthood, in our living space.

    AFTER: I felt like I finally had the courage to speak out and lead my family in a different direction. Bio-energy came at just the right time, it literally found me and gave me the tools I needed to connect with myself on a different level and to be courageous in that. The energy in the room is so real and palpable, it moved me both physically and emotionally. It was freeing, removing blockages and helping me work through some of life’s hardships with more sense of myself.

    The most valuable thing I learned from my sessions was: Be courageous, spread my wings and perhaps see things from a different perspective or understand that things can be different than I always envisioned. I need a balance in my life and in my families life and we’re actively working to achieve this balance. Bio-energy helped me see more clearly the needs of my family myself and gave me courage to take big steps of faith. I felt a healing from these sessions and I still very much feel like I’m processing everything. Margaret has this amazing gift and even the touch of her hands feels truly healing.

    Tiana Reed

  • Before we began...

    Until about midway, I was feeling foggy if that makes sense. I lived a constant panic and anxiety - which felt normal until I experienced the opposite. I had goals but could not prioritize anything. And when I worked on things, I was just going through the motions to get them out of the way without any kind of joy or any understanding that things could be better. When I was doing the things I love and enjoy, I felt guilty for not doing something 'productive' . I was living a cycle of endless fog.

    After our 4th session (I did 5 sessions) it was as if the glasses through which I saw the world had changed. Everything became clearer, my decisions were sharper and my time wisely used. The anxiety was due to a memory that birthed beliefs, and Margaret helped me release everything. The fifth session was only a cherry on top, we released more limiting beliefs that are secondary and not as intensely related to my fog experience.

    Finding you Margaret is like finding a soul friend and sister. Thank you for caring for my healing so preciously as if it was your own. In every session, I could feel your genuine care and desire for me to grow past my experiences. You are an amazing healer, listener and your intuition is on point!

    If I grow to a level where I feel blocked again, I now know exactly who I'm going to for a release of limiting beliefs and and energy cleanse.


  • A full round of Bio-energy healing typically is 5 sessions but a noticeable difference can happen after one. There’s usually a feeling of peace or completion that you’ll sense. Then I recommend letting life unfold as many of the changes can happen in the following months or even year.